Garth Brooks Shares The Story Behind Ronnie Dunn Duet "Rodeo Man"
Garth Brooks had one word in mind when Brooks & Dunn's Ronnie Dunn texted him the song that would become the pair's new duet "Rodeo Man" – SMASH.
"I thought the chorus was fabulous," Brooks said. "Then I tried to figure out some way to get my foot in the door to see if I could (record) it myself."
Dunn told him to give it his best shot – and he did.
Brooks' prediction for the song was spot on. With 69 adds its first week, the spur-rattling cowboy celebration was the No. 1 Most-Added song at Country Radio when it was released in November.
"Rodeo Man" is from Brooks' new 14th album, "Time Traveler," which is only available in his The Limited Series boxed set at Bass Pro Shops. "Rodeo Man" can be streamed at Amazon Music.
"I got to tell you, it's so good," Brooks said.
Brooks recorded the song in Dunn's key at his beats per minute. Then, they married the two vocal performances in the studio.
"There's a band in there that's never been put together, never seen each other," Brooks says. "They were all put together in post-production."
While Brooks is the first to admit he loved the '90s in country music and is flattered that people want to revisit the era's sound – he explains that "Rodeo Man" isn't meant to be that. He and Dunn have already been there.
"I don't think it sounds like the '90s myself," Brooks said. "I just think it sounds like something from Ronnie Dunn and Garth Brooks."
When Brooks and Dunn performed "Rodeo Man" during the Friends In Low Places Bar & Honky-Tonk opening Black Friday concert, it was the first time the men had sung the song together.
There's one thing of which Brooks is certain. "Rodeo Man" is a blast to play live – and hear on country radio.
"It's got that 'Two Of A Kind' thing where it's two-and-a-half minutes and it's over," he said. "It's real fun."