"Back When the Old Stuff Was New!" - Garth Brings Retro Merchandise Exclusively to Friends in Low Places Bar & Honky-Tonk
Garth Brooks fans, some of whom are too young to remember "when the old stuff was new," will soon be able to purchase the vintage Garth t-shirts they've been clamoring for. To celebrate the opening of Friends in Low Places, Garth is bringing back t-shirts with designs from as far back as the early '90s. Limited quantities of the vintage graphic tees will be available exclusively in the FILP store at 411 Broadway, starting with the FILP grand opening on March 7. A different retro shirt will be rolled out on the first Monday of each month, starting April 1, until the end of the year.
"What's always been crazy for me is looking out in the crowd and seeing a young kid--maybe 12 years old--wearing one of our shirts from the early '90s," Garth said. "And I'm thinking to myself, 'That shirt is older than you are!' But then it sinks in what that means--that the kid got the shirt from his mom or dad or someone else who saw us back then. And so the circle of the music, the people, and the artist continues. That's cool!"
From the earliest days of Garth's career, his fans have worn their heart on their sleeve, literally, as they proudly sported his collection of merchandise. Some have taken especially good care of these items, wearing them to concerts, sharing them on Inside Studio G, and displaying them in their homes.
"More and more we were hearing that people wanted to buy the old stuff," Garth explained. "So we decided to go back into the archives, pull out the old designs, and reprint them. And we thought there's no better time to start putting them out than the opening of Friends in Low Places."